Brigitte Dietz
Born 1953 in Heidelberg, Germany.Since 2010, participation in exhibitions in
- Germany,
- France,
- Italy,
- UK,
- USA,
- Poland,
- the Netherlands and
- Colombia.
3rd prize with the painting “Homo Coffeeae Faber”, the Coffee Art Project, London UK (2016)
2024 april: Internationale Formart 30, Glinde/Hamburg, 12-14. April 2024, Germany.(Catalogue)
2019 april: KUNSTSCHIMMER 7. Kunstmesse Ulm, 3.-7. April 2019, Ulm, Germany. (Catalogue)
2018 juli: Internationale Kunsttage Endingen. Endingen, Germany. (Catalogue)
2018 april: London Coffee Festival 2018, Old Truman Brewery, London, UK.
2018 april: 26. Internationale Formart 2018. Glinde/Hamburg, Germany. (Catalogue)
2017 april: London Coffee Festival 2017, Old Truman Brewery, London, UK.
2017 april: 25. Internationale Formart 2017. Glinde/Hamburg, Germany. (Catalogue)
2017 march: exhibition at the Amsterdam Coffee Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2016 october: Thoughts Become Art, curated by Aya Kasai, Ellen Love and Maris Palmi, at SAID Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
2016 september: exhibition about Anne Frank during the Polish opera premier of „The Diary of Anne Frank“ by Grigorij Frid at the Krzysztof Penderecki 4th International Festival 2016 in Zabrze, Poland.
2016 april: London Coffee Festival 2016, Old Truman Brewery, London, UK. (3rd prize winner for „Homo Coffeeae Faber“ at the Coffee Art Project.
2013 november: Tibetinitiative im Dokumentationszentrum für Sinti und Roma, Heidelberg, Germany.
2013 january: Book-presentation by Marion Tauschwitz: „Hilde Domin“, Heidelberg, Germany.
2024 Mai bis Oktober: "Eßgenuss", Ausstellung im Café Schafheutle, Heidelberg, Germany
2023 july to october: exhibition of selected works. Bürgeramt Mitte, Heidelberg, Germany
2017 may to july: exhibition of selected works. Bürgeramt Heidelberg, Germany.
2016 january to march: exhibition at Café Schafheutle, Heidelberg, Germany.
2015 november: „Dialogue“, in cooperation with the Martin Buber-Gesellschaft, Heppenheim, Germany.
2015 january to march: exhibition: „Zwiesprache. Zum 50. Todesjahr Martin Bubers“ (dialogue. For the 50. Year of death of Martin Buber) at Café Schafheutle, Heidelberg, Germany.
2014 january to march: exhibition: „Heidelberger Persönlichkeiten aus Kultur und Literatur“ at Café Schafheutle, Heidelberg, Germany.
2013 summer: exhibition in cooperation with the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft (German-British Society): „Royal Wedding“ at the H&G Bank, Heidelberg, Germany.
2013 january: „Hans-Georg Gadamer“ in the library Schmitt & Hahn, Heidelberg, Germany.
2010 march: portrait exhibition at Abtei Neuburg, Heidelberg, Germany.
2020 September 21st,2020 opening reception, 15th to 30th, 28th,2020 closing reception: Global Art Conversation. A United Nations UN75 collaborative digital exhibition, featured at the UN General Assembly in NYC, USA.
2020 August to November 26th: „Human Rights? The Future's Shape women can save the world“ at Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, curated by Roberto Ronca for AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner, Rovereto, Italy.(C)
2019 26th November to 4th December: "49. SALON ARTS 19" à la mairie du 19e arrondissement de Paris, Place Armand-Carrel, Paris, France (Catalogue)
2019 7th September to 31st December: „Human Rights? #Clima“ at Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, curated by Roberto Ronca for AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner, Rovereto, Italy. (Catalogue)
2018 juli to august: Picasso: An influence on contemporary artists. 508 Kings Road Chelsea Gallery, London, UK.
2018 june to september: „Human Rights? #Edu“ at Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, curated by Roberto Ronca for AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner, Rovereto, Italy. (Catalogue)
2017 may to september: „Human Rights? #H2O“ at Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, curated by Roberto Ronca for AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner, Rovereto, Italy. (Catalogue)
2017 january to february: Galerie Melnikow, Heidelberg, Germany.
2016 march to march 2017: external exhibitor: „Kunst von Mitarbeitern für Mitarbeiter“ at PORSCHE AG, Weissach bei Stuttgart, Germany.
2016 december: "small works - BIG TALENT" at Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, California, USA.
2016 november to december: Oxygen – Fragmented Identities+Cities, curated by Luca Curci, at Jorge Jurado Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia.
2016 august to september: Fragmented Identities at Palazzo Ca' Zanardi, Venice Art House during BORDERS festival, curated by Luca Curci and Andrea Chinellato, Venice, Italy. (Catalogue)
2016 june to july: Contemporary Painting at The Brick Lane Gallery, London, UK.
2016 may to september: „Human Rights? #Diversity“ at Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti, curated by Roberto Ronca for AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner, Rovereto, Italy. (Catalogue)
2015 september: exhibition in cooperation with Kunstraum Heidelberg: „Living with Art“, Mannheim, Germany.
2014 november to november 2015: „Dietz meets Dietz“, together with Doris Dietz at: PKF Riedel Appel Hornig GmbH,Heidelberg, Germany.
2015 january to february: „Bildende Kunst und Literatur im Dialog“ at Galerie Melnikow, Heidelberg, Germany.
2014 february: exhibition at Galerie Melnikow, Heidelberg, Germany.
2013 january: exhibition: „Wedding“ at Galerie Melnikow, Heidelberg, Germany.
2012 october: exhibition: „Characters of Heidelberg“ at Galerie Melnikow, Heidelberg, Germany.
magazin: Hamburger Wochenblatt 2024/Nr. 16, Seite 3
catalogue: Katalog der internationalen Kunstausstellung FORM-A(R)T 2024
book: Wilhelm Borcherding, Stefan Schäfer: Mein Deutsch-Abitur. Kursheft 31/1. Ernst Klett Verlag Stuttgart/Leipzig/Dortmund. 2021. p. 67. ISBN: 978-3-12-310082-6.
Themen im Mai (Doppelseite). In: Deutschlandradio. Das Magazin. S. 4-5. 05.05.2021.
catalogue of the exhibition: „Human Rights? The Future's Shape“ 2020 (für AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner) Rovereto, Italien.
book: H. Dietz: Die Zeitlichkeit des Seins. Positionsbestimmungen der Dialogphilosophie. Verlag Karl Alber Freiburg/München. 2020. p. 7. ISBN: 978-3-495-49177-5
Steven E. Aschheim: Imperfect but perfectly human. Recuperating the reputation of a controversial, contested thinker. In: The Times Literary Supplement Nr. 6118, London. am 03. 07.2020.
(online: https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/martin-buber-paul-mendes-flohr-review-steven-e- aschheim/)
catalogue of the exhibition at the 49e SALON International d'ARTS 19, Paris, Frankreich.
catalogue of the exhibition: „Human Rights? #Edu“2018 (by AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner) Rovereto, Italien.
catalogue of the exhibition at the 7. Internationale Kunstmesse, Ulm.
title: Kunstausstellung: Kreatives bei der 26. Form-Art. Bergedorfer Zeitung, 11.April 2018.
catalogue of the exhibitionat the Art Endingen Nr. 8.
catalogue of the exhibition of the 26. Internationalen Kunstausstellung FormART, Glinde.
Heide Seele: Künstler aus dem Umfeld der Heidelberger Galerie Melnikow zeigen neue Arbeiten. Hier geht jeder seinen eigenen Weg. Rhein-Neckar Zeitung am 18.01.2017.
(online: https://www.rnz.de/kultur-tipps/kultur-regional_artikel,-Kultur-Regional-Kuenstler-aus- dem-Umfeld-der-Heidelberger-Galerie-Melnikow-zeigen-neue-Arbeiten-_arid,248898.html)
article in: Art Reveal Nr 29 (cover story). 08.05.2017. ISBN 978-1-36-414802-7. (online: https://www.artrevealmagazine.com/29th/)
title: 25. Form-A(R)T zeigt Jubiläumsschau. In Glinder Zeitung am 04.04.2017.
catalogue of the exhibition: „Human Rights? #H2O“ (by AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner) Rovereto, Italien.
Pelle Kohrs: Glinde wird Stormarns Kunst-Hauptstadt. Bildhauerei, Fotografie, Graphiken und Gemälde gibt’s bei der 25. Ausgabe der Form-A(r)t zu sehen. Hamburger Abendblatt am 05.04.2017.
title: Unser Wochentipp: »Ausgewählte Werke« im Bürgeramt Mitte. In: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Mai 2017.
catalogue of the 25. Internationale Kunstausstellung FormART, Glinde.
catalogue of the It's Liquid International Art Show: BORDERS, Venedig 2016.
catalogue of the exhibition: Human Rights? #Diversity (by AIAPI – UNESCO Official Partner) Rovereto, Italien.
Werner Popanda: Durch einen Fehler in der RNZ lernten sie sich kennen. Menschlich und künstlerisch passen Brigitte und Doris Dietz gut zusammen – Am Freitag eröffnet die Ausstellung »Dietz meets Dietz«. In: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung am 25.11.2014.
title: Korrektur. Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung am 25.01.2013.
Heide Seele: Der Liebespfeil als Dolch. Zum 400-Jahr-Jubiläum einer fürstlichen Hochzeit präsentiert die Heidelberger Galerie Melnikow eine Ausstellung. In: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung am 23.01.2013.